Artefact of discussion. The ideng sword presented to the Sarawak Museum as a gift in 1972. According to SSL and LOU, the ideng presented by the previous heir to the Sarawak Museum as there is no potential successor in the third generation to ‘maintain’ the ideng in Uma Lasah. SSL and LOU assert, the double notch on the upper blade representing two generations of heirs that formerly safeguarded the blade. The hilt of a deer antler beam, carved and turfed with hair; the sheath of white meranti incised with minimal motif and binds with rattan lashings, the small sheath of betel nut sheath, the belt string of rattan; the blade is plain and curved. According to LOU, the sword is a Kayan malat (machete) based on the hilt curve motif
Rights owner
Durham University / Sarawak Museum
Title alt
Ideng, Kejaman Uma Lasah Long Segaham - Muzium Sarawak
Description alt
Artifak yang dibincangkan bersama wakil etnik Kejaman. Artifak tersebut diserahkan kepada Sarawak Museum pada tahun 1972 sebagai hadiah. Menurut SSL and LOU, pemilik parang tersebut menyerahkannya kepada Sarawak Museum kerana tiada pewaris yang layak untuk mewarisi dan menjaga parang tersebut. Menurut SSL and LOU, terdapat dua tanda titik di bahagian atas besi menandakan dua generasi yang pernah mewarisi dan menjaga parang tersebut. Hulu parang diperbuat daripada tulang tanduk rusa, diukir dan dihias dengan rambut, sarung parang diperbuat daripada meranti putih, diukir dan diikat dengan rotan, sarung pisau diperbuat daripada upih pinang, tali sarung diperbuat daripada rotan, bilah parang tiada corak dan bentuknya melengkung. Menurut LOU, ianya merupakan malat Kayan berdasarkan corak hulu parang yang mempunyai ukiran seperti keluk atau cangkuk
Cultural group
Sarawak Museum, Kuching
Kejaman ideng sword in the Sarawak Museum collection
Museum name
Sarawak Museum
Museum collections documentation
Cultural context/event
Social group setting
Controlled group
Ethnology storeroom, Sarawak Museum
Research methods: Collection-based and focus group discussion